Holiday Closing
In observance of Presidents Day, Wicomico Public Library will be CLOSED on Monday, Feb. 17th.
Fiber Arts Meetup (Knitting, Crocheting, & Needlework)
Do you knit, crochet, do needlework, or do other fiber arts? Bring whatever you are working on and join others to share ideas and inspiration. Want to learn? Come sit in and talk with other fiber crafters to learn how to get started.
Come to the library and let our staff assist you with the AARP online defensive driving course. This course allows you to qualify for multi-year discounts on your auto insurance premiums.
In this fast-paced work environment, a good resume and job hunting skills are more important than ever. Centre Branch is hosting Job Search help hours. Get help building a resume and cover letter, as well as assistance with finding job postings.
Manga/Anime Club members meet the second Tuesday of each month to talk about manga and watch a member selected anime movie/show. Open to middle and high school students.
Have you been wanting to try your hand at the relaxing new hobby known as diamond painting? Come join us. This is a two part class. Second part is on April 18th from 5pm to 7pm. Pre-registration is required.