Wicomico Libraries now has a Podcast! Tune in to "The Reference Desk" on Simplecast or our YouTube Page
Closing - Inclement Weather
Due to inclement weather, all branches of the Wicomico Public Library will be CLOSED on Wednesday, Feb. 12th.
Fiber Arts Meetup (Knitting, Crocheting, & Needlework)
Do you knit, crochet, do needlework, or do other fiber arts? Bring whatever you are working on and join others to share ideas and inspiration. Want to learn? Come sit in and talk with other fiber crafters to learn how to get started.
In this fast-paced work environment, a good resume and job hunting skills are more important than ever. Centre Branch is hosting Job Search help hours. Get help building a resume and cover letter, as well as assistance with finding job postings.
Attend in person or on Zoom! Registration is required. Held in-person at the Paul S. Sarbanes Branch. Zoom links will be sent the day before.
Please join the Virtual Book Club from the comfort of your home for a relaxed discussion. Come prepared to share book(s) that you're reading or have recently read. Registration is required.