28430 Nanticoke Rd.
26550 Ocean Gateway
Learn the basics in our Computer Tutor series!
Self-paced, hands-on learning for just the basics, including:
Children ages 0-5 and their caregivers are invited to join us for free play, developmentally appropriate guided play, and structured activities, all while learning early socialization!
Attending Children
Children under 8 must be monitored by a guardian who is at least 13 years old to assure the safety and behavior of that child. Children ages 8 and older may visit the library independently provided they are able to care for themselves and are able to understand and follow the Library’s Behavior Guidelines.
9181 Old Railroad. Rd. Hebron
Troopers Way
100 Carroll Street, Salisbury
Explore science, technology, engineering, art, and math through fun activities at Homeschool Maker Monday! All homeschool students ages 6 to 11 are invited to join us the second and fourth Monday of each month to learn all about STEAM!
Do you remember Wii Sports? How much fun it was to play? Then come play the new version on the Nintendo Switch with us!
At Paws to Read, children can read aloud to a dog for 5 - 7 minutes. A volunteer will be present during the entire session. This activity helps build reading confidence in children while they are relaxing and having fun.
Attending Children
Children under 8 must be monitored by a guardian who is at least 13 years old to assure the safety and behavior of that child. Children ages 8 and older may visit the library independently provided they are able to care for themselves and are able to understand and follow the Library’s Behavior Guidelines.