How does it work? Request materials to borrow online at wicomicolibraries.org and select a pick up location. Once notified your items are ready, scan your library card at your chosen location to collect your materials! All items picked up from a library locker will automatically be checked out that day.
The Centre Locker is in the Centre at Salisbury next to the entrance of the Centre Branch of the Wicomico Public Libraries.
The Fruitland locker is inside the front doors of the Crown Sports Center. For this particular locker during daytime hours customers need to ring the bell to be let inside.
The Sharptown library locker is outside the Sharptown Town Hall at 401 Main St., Sharptown.
The YMCA locker is inside the lobby of Richard A. Henson YMCA at 715 S Schumaker Drive, Salisbury.
For more information contact Mobile Services at 410-749-3612 ext. 804.