Amanda Markos
Friend of Wicomico Public Library
Students from the LEO Clubs of Parkside and James M. Bennett High Schools recently partnered with the Friends of the Wicomico Public Libraries by volunteering to assist with the setup and breakdown for the Friends’ annual Fall Book Sale. The biannual event helps raise funding to support many services offered by the library that might otherwise be limited or unavailable for members of our community. Bennett students have been assisting with the Friends of the Library book sales for many years, and have been instrumental in assuring the success of these important fundraisers. Due to the added support from Parkside students this year, the labor-intensive tasks of lifting heavy boxes, sorting books before the event, and packing unsold items afterward, were completed quickly and efficiently, greatly minimizing the workload for senior volunteers. The energy, enthusiasm, and strong work ethic displayed by the students were admirable and a credit to their schools and the LEO club organization.
An acronym for the club’s motto (Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity), LEO clubs are a youth organization of Lions Clubs International. The Parkside and James M. Bennett LEO Clubs are sponsored by the Salisbury Lions Club for high school students. Known as “Leo’s,” students from both schools participate in activities and projects that enhance the community and help them develop and practice leadership, organization, and social skills, with the intent of instilling a lifetime commitment to helping others.
These active and devoted students attend monthly meetings before their school day begins at 7:00 a.m. and selflessly spend many of their weekends serving our community. Parkside and Bennett Leo members combined conduct 1,000-2,000 service hours yearly. To date, Parkside Leo students have assisted with Delmarvacade and Salisbury University’s Zombie 5K and have partnered with: the Salisbury Lions Club to pack and distribute food orders at the Wicomico County Fair, Trunk or Treat with Pinehurst Elementary, Salisbury Middle School’s Haunted Hall Halloween event and Thanksgiving For Thousands at Mountaire Farms. In past years, James M. Bennett Leo students have participated in building ramps for Chesapeake Housing Mission, packed and delivered meals and presents through Santa’s Angels, assisted with various runs/marathons in Salisbury, annually fundraised and donated to Leader Dog for the Blind and volunteered at Wicomico County Public Library events. This year, JMB Leo’s also helped with Ben’s Red Swings Annual Cleanup Day. Upcoming planned events for December for Parkside and/or Bennett Leo members include traveling to Arlington Cemetery in Washington, D.C. to participate in the Wreathes Across America event and helping with the Jaycees Children’s Christmas Shopping Tour at the North Salisbury Walmart.
Whenever or wherever there is a need for volunteers in our local area, it is likely that Leo’s will be involved. These commendable young people embody the best qualities of our Wicomico County Public School students and have proved themselves to be an invaluable assets to our community. We admire their commitment to public service and thank them for their willingness to serve others whenever needed!